Audit and Standards Committee - Wednesday 28 February 2024, 6:30pm - Rother District Council Meeting Webcasts

Audit and Standards Committee
Wednesday, 28th February 2024 at 6:30pm 









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  1. Cllr Brian Drayson
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  1. Democratic Services
  2. Cllr Brian Drayson
  3. Democratic Services
  4. Cllr Brian Drayson
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  1. Cllr Richard Thomas
  2. Cllr Brian Drayson
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  1. Head of Difital and Customer Services
  2. Cllr Brian Drayson
  3. Parish & Town Council Representative
  4. Cllr Brian Drayson
  5. Parish & Town Council Representative
  6. Cllr Brian Drayson
  7. Head of Difital and Customer Services
  8. Cllr Brian Drayson
  9. Head of Difital and Customer Services
  10. Cllr Brian Drayson
  11. Head of Difital and Customer Services
  12. Cllr Brian Drayson
  13. Head of Difital and Customer Services
  14. Cllr Brian Drayson
  15. Head of Difital and Customer Services
  16. Cllr Brian Drayson
  17. Parish & Town Council Representative
  18. Cllr Brian Drayson
  19. Parish & Town Council Representative
  20. Cllr Brian Drayson
  21. Cllr Richard Thomas
  22. Cllr Brian Drayson
  23. Cllr Tony Biggs
  24. Cllr Brian Drayson
  25. Cllr Tony Biggs
  26. Cllr Brian Drayson
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  1. Chief Executive
  2. Cllr Brian Drayson
  3. Cllr Tony Biggs
  4. Cllr Brian Drayson
  5. Chief Executive
  6. Cllr Tony Biggs
  7. Chief Executive
  8. Cllr Brian Drayson
  9. Parish & Town Council Representative
  10. Cllr Brian Drayson
  11. Cllr Polly Gray
  12. Cllr Brian Drayson
  13. Chief Executive
  14. Cllr Brian Drayson
  15. Cllr Richard Thomas
  16. Cllr Brian Drayson
  17. Independent Person
  18. Cllr Brian Drayson
  19. Independent Person
  20. Cllr Brian Drayson
  21. Cllr Polly Gray
  22. Cllr Brian Drayson
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Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Tony Biggs
  2. Cllr Brian Drayson
  3. Cllr Tony Biggs
  4. Cllr Brian Drayson
  5. Cllr Tony Biggs
  6. Cllr Brian Drayson
  7. Cllr Richard Thomas
  8. Cllr Tony Biggs
  9. Cllr Brian Drayson
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  1. Chief Executive
  2. Cllr Brian Drayson
  3. Cllr Richard Thomas
  4. Cllr Brian Drayson
  5. Chief Executive
  6. Cllr Brian Drayson
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  1. Cllr Tony Biggs
  2. Cllr Brian Drayson
  3. Cllr Richard Thomas
  4. Cllr Brian Drayson
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  1. Cllr Tony Biggs
  2. Cllr Brian Drayson
  3. Cllr Polly Gray
  4. Cllr Brian Drayson
  5. Democratic Services
  6. Cllr Brian Drayson
  7. Webcast Finished